Content of application to the Fund for Performing Artists
- Applicant
- Description of the project
- What is support being applied for
- Presentation of the performing artists
- Amount applied for
- Budget
The application must contain information about the applicant and should begin with:
- The applicant’s name
- Address
- Post code
- Telephone number and fax number if applicable
- Email address
- Date and year of birth
The date must be given on the application. This is of importance for the Fund and may also be a useful reference for the applicant in the future.
Description of the project
A brief outline should be given of the project: the performance, concert or tour, how many jobs, where these will take place, what is to be performed, dates etc.
- Where
- When
- Duration
- Type of performance
- Participants
What is support being applied for
When applying for funding for a project, it is important to define the following:
- What is funding needed for
- What part of the project requires funding
Presentation of the performing artists
Those evaluating the application need to know as much as possible about the participating artists and they should be presented in the application. CVs give useful information. In the CV distinguish clearly between performing activities and creative activities and other training or practice by using separate columns.
Amount applied for
Those who award grants have experience in reading applications and are well aware of what things actually cost. There is no point in merely giving a figure that seems reasonable. The total amount applied for should be stated in the budget.
The budget must include both expenses and revenues. Expenses may include:
- Fees to the artists
- Fees to the technicians
- Travel expenses
- Subsistence allowance and accommodation
Revenues may include:
- Fee from the organiser
- Box office receipts
- Other funding applied for/granted
A budget and the CVs of the performers must be enclosed. Other enclosures may include the tour schedule, work schedule with dates, etc.
The Fund does not require scripts, videos, CDs, music or copies of contracts.
Number of copies
The Fund for Performing Artists must receive one copy of the application + enslosures. Remember to keep a copy so that you can check when you applied and what you applied for.
(Siden er oversatt av statsautorisert translatør Jennifer Follestad)